Where are the downloaded videos saved ?

If you haven't selected a specific folder, your video will be saved in the "Downloads" folder on your Windows PC desktop. The same goes for smartphones and tablets - your video will be stored in the default download folder.

Is the service provided by this site free ?

Yes, it is completely free. However, users must ensure that they have obtained permission from the video owner before downloading the video. Please note that our website does not store or retain any videos. We just utilize open source techniques to assist users in locating them more easily.

Is there a limitation on the number of videos downloaded ?

No. There are no limits to the number of videos you can download.

Why does the MP4 video play directly instead of downloading when I attempt to download it ?

Occasionally, certain browsers may encounter this issue. However, it is still possible to download the video by right-clicking on the "download" button and selecting "Save link as...". For your convenience, we suggest utilizing Google Chrome to streamline the process.